Thursday, December 31, 2009

Closing Out 2009 (Week 12-13)

Despite a lot of holiday craziness (and my fiance being in and out of the doctor's office), I love making time to visit Badger. :) There's something nicely Zen about being out in the quiet of the ranch, even if it feels like the majority of my time there is spent shoveling stalls.

Saturday (post-Christmas) I bolted from the house to go work with him, and that was the first day I experienced giving him his bute myself since he was a bit creaky from the cold. I also had gotten a pretty green halter with brass on sale ($10, I think it was only marked down because one of the grommets was missing, and it's not on a hole that I would have put the buckle on anyhow), so now his halter and lead rope match! Not that he cares, I'm sure...the old blue one, already worn in, is softer. Maybe I can smash it around some more to break it in better.

Tuesday was supposed to be my next visiting day, but that didn't happen. And then Wednesday similarly failed to launch. After two days of planning and then failing to actually go to the ranch, I was determined to make it one more time before the new year rolled around. I think Badger notices when I'm gone longer than the norm, now. Or maybe he just gets bored! When I got there today, it was a surprise to see that Badger (who normally isn't very demonstrative when I arrive, I think maybe because me showing up = work) spotted me and leaned over to nudge the gate with his lip before I'd raised my hand to open the latch. Between the warmer weather and my lateness, he seemed more than ready to get out and stretch his need for bute today!

For a change, instead of grooming him before turnout, I only removed his blanket and took him directly to the open area...since it had rained a little he was completely caked with dirt anyhow, so knowing he always rolls immediately after taking off the halter I figured that could wait and I could groom him afterwards and get some NICE pictures. Just as expected, he flopped in the dirt so fast I couldn't even get the camera out, but I did finally catch him running on video! (A very nice New Year's present to me.)

Today was definitely a much more energetic day than the Christmas visit had been. It was also oddly jacket required.

New pics for this update:

Sadly the best side photo I got from today, he's making a face. XD Oh well.

If I'm counting right, this Saturday marks the end of his 13th week at Bit-O-Heaven. :) It's hard to believe that he's only been "my horse" since Sunday, October 4th. I feel like he's made so much progress in such a short amount of time (and other people can see it too), it's impossible NOT to want to keep helping him progress even more.

Best wishes for the new year to everyone out there. :)

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