Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Week #11 - the farrier comes

Today seemed to be a somewhat better day as far as the was pretty warm, and the pens were a little more dry than before. Some horses are still having to be shuffled around because of the flooding, though.

Today was Badger's first visit with the farrier, which was definitely a different event for both him and me! It's good that he was well-behaved as always, and aside from a bit of awkwardness with his hind right leg (he likes holding that one up REALLY HIGH, for some reason) everything went nicely. I really liked his handling of the horses, and he was very nice to let me observe and ask some questions. After all, this was my first time having my horse be trimmed too!

Badger's feet sure look nice now that the front toes aren't so long and squared off, and the backs are angled better. I'm hoping with a few more trims he'll be great! I mean, he's pretty peppy as it is, but it's nice that his feet will finally be getting the regular care they should have been getting. Also, who knew his hooves were actually light-colored? Once the wet season is over I'm going to try actually washing them down and scrubbing them off so I can see what they really look like. It's a bit pointless to do it right now, though, with all the mud piles everywhere.

More photos from today:

Right after his feet were trimmed, I put Badger in the round pen. (We'd gone over to the turnout, but it's still pretty flooded, so no-go.) I wish we'd had a bigger area, as he was pretty perky in there:

Overall a good day. :) Now if things would dry up a little...

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