Thursday, February 25, 2010

Badger's Home!

Well, as of last Friday, the vet has decided Badger pulled through well enough to be sent back home. It's a relief to see him actually open his eye again, instead of it being swelled shut like a big prune. Still not quite all the way, and we still have to put medication in his eye three times a day (in fact, I was sent home with a rather sizable grocery bag of ointments and pills) but as far as I'm concerned it's a big weight off my shoulders. Sure wish I could have taken Brownie home too, though. Always cute to see them standing next to each other on either side of the bars.

Badger still has to wear the eye mask for now, though, since we don't want him to rub his eye and start the process all over again.

Bringing him home on Friday, there was a new neighbor between him and Rey. The previously empty stall now houses a new grey mare named Alicia. She was formerly stalled across the way from them, but with the recent rains, her pen flooded and so she got moved over to the empty stall between the boys. Rey, not being a fan of most horses getting in 'his' space, had had an empty stall between him and the other horses for quite a while...but she wasn't having any of his attitude (I think she's gotta be at least a hand or two taller than him) so by the time Badger arrived back at home everyone was pretty peacefully hanging out. I don't think she'll be quite the buddy that Brownie was, but he was definitely happy to see Tio again (a couple small nickers to him) and he was pretty much settled in.

Not...quite pals yet...

According to the vet, he is now 1200 pounds! I kinda wish I had had some kind of a gauge on where he was when we picked him up originally, but that seems like fine progress and 'average' horse weight.

Spring is coming and Badger's already starting to get rid of his winter coat. In fact, when we went back to the ranch, there was a fine blanketing of shed fur all over the ground...carpet's steadily getting thicker each time I go out.

Again, very thankful he is so nice. He's definitely not a fan of eye medication and I'm sure he's tired of the weird people putting fingers and such in his eye, but I'm sure a horse's reaction could be way worse than squinching his eye shut when he sees the finger coming close.

Today was particularly happy because Badger's actively taking an interest in going out now; when I approach he'll actually come to the door and wait for me to open it. Of course, since he has the eye cup on right now, he can't be turned out in the bigger area...don't want him to get excited and run into something on his blind side, after all. However, he has made it pretty clear that the round pen is not nearly as fun: I'll put him in there and he'll roll, same as always, but instead of going over to the fence and hanging out with the other horses he beelines back to the gate and pokes at it rather pointedly. "I'm done. Can we go?"

Since I know he still wants to run around, I've been jogging with him back and forth across the riding area. Still not quite the same as getting to buck and gallop full tilt down the long stretch of the turnout area, but he seems to prefer it to being left alone in the round pen. Also, since the rains have made everything thoroughly wet, they've also caused an unusual amount of lush grass and what looks like wild celery to grow. Snacks EVERYWHERE. He only gets a few mouthfuls as we walk around, though. Don't want him to get sick on too much different food.

Too bad his new neighbor isn't as friendly as Brownie, though...he still tries to nicker at Alicia when I put him back in his stall, but she just pins her ears at him. I think she can deal with Rey easier since he's smaller than her, but Badger's a pretty hefty, tall guy. Poor Badger, he just wants to be a ladies' man! <:)

It's surprising how much fur can come off a horse without him looking bald...these photos were taken AFTER I brushed him, and he's still so scruffy-looking. Monday is his next vet visit (actually, she's coming to the ranch) so we're going to see how his eye is doing at that point. Keeping fingers crossed!

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