Friday, February 5, 2010

Photos for previous post

1/27: Trotting in hand since turnout area was too muddy. Whee! I think it's cute that Badger keeps looking over at my friend Gideon who's filming this bit.

1/27: Standard update pics. My friend Gideon helped with the video, you can just sort of see him in the second pic...

2/1: The vet put a green stain (dye) into Badger's eye so the problems can be seen a little more clearly. His keratitis shows up as that little green patch on the left side of his eye in this photo.

2/3: Can't let you rub that eye, Badger! The braids in his hair are there to help hold the eye tubing in place.
(Badger's girlfriend doesn't seem to mind his cyborg-ish look any, though. Can you say "Awwww!"? Also, she's in her early 20s, just a hair younger than Badger. ;) According to the vet assistant, they hit it off almost immediately.)

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